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Midas Gen 2015
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Midas Gen 2015
System Requirements:
  • OS This software can be installed only on 32-bit Windows. If you're using 64-bit Windows, then you can use virtualization software (VirtualBox or VmWare) to install software onto a 32-bit virtual machine.
  • Memory 2 GB of RAM
  • Disk Space 1 GB of free space

Billing Cycle


$ / month
Subtotal: $
RRP: $
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Included Languages:

Available: 50+


Addition of Creep, Shrinkage & Elastic Modulus Database as per CEB FIP 2010User Defined RelaxationVolume Surface Ratio for Composite Section for Construction StageImprovement in Load Sequence for Nonlinear analysis functionNonlinear Analysis considering Geometric NonlinearityStar-Battened Section Checking as per EC3Improvement in Steel Code Checking as per EC3 Singapore NASteel Code Checking for Plated I and I-C Combined Shape Section as per IS800:2007RC beam Torsion Design/Checking as per IS456:2000Addition of Static Wind Load, Static Seismic Load and Response Spectrum Function as per NSR-10Story Irregularity Check Table as per NSR-10RC Beam, Column and Wall Design as per NSR-10RC Design as per NSR-10 in Design+Improvement in Link between midas Gen and Design+Improvement in Local Direction force SumRevit 2016 InterfaceImprovement in Pressure Load Input MethodImprovement of Wood-ArmerMoment

What customers say

Gyles, NO
I'm very happy with the way everything went during buying and installation. Everything went smooth and the guidance video was very useful and simple to understand.
Joseph, AU
My spouse and i had some problem downloading the computer software myself but the buyer support crew helped promptly and solved all my concerns to the highest level of pleasure. Thanks a lot.
Peter Sherman, US
Just as much time just as the shopper properly comes to the download and installation instructions now there should be not any problems. Once mounted the Gain access to 2010 that I acquisitions interfaced seamlessly with my different Business office 2010 courses.
Jack O’Neal , US
Once again, please permit me thank you for your prompt and attentive support. I look forward to working with your organization in the future.