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WorkNC v24
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WorkNC v24
System Requirements:
  • Processor Quad Core Intel® Xeon® E5 (4 Cores)
    Intel® Core™ i7-6500U (4 Cores)
  • Operating system Windows 7 Pro 64 Bits
    Windows 8.1 Pro 64 Bits
    Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Graphics card Minimum Ram 1GB DDR3
    Open/GL 3.3 minimum compatibility (or DirectX 10.1)
    Processor Nvidia Quadro recommended
  • Hard disk 500 GB disk space 7000 rpm SATA 6.0 GB/s
  • Screen 19" to 21" Monitor minimum resolution, 1280x1024
  • RAM 8 Gb DDR3 1600Mhz ECC
  • Mouse Optical Mouse wheel with 2 buttons

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All the core values on which its reputation has been built since 1987 are ever-present: rapid and automatic programming, safe and reliable toolpaths and high performance machining.


Rapid and Automatic Programming WorkNC V24 includes enhancements to its Rest Material Display function, which has been transformed into an analysis tool that helps CAM programmers reduce machining prepara- tion time. The upgraded function enables users to rapidly evaluate various amounts of rest material left on any given model according to user-defined color ranges.

This latest version also offers a new collision-detection algorithm with faster calculation abilities, and that takes into account the machine, the toolpath and the clamping system.
Safe and Reliable Toolpath In response to machining conditions recommended by cutting-tool manufacturers, WorkNC V24 delivers enhanced toolpath safety.

In 3-axis and 3+2-axis machining modes, the WorkNC collision detection module will desig- nate the shortest possible cutter that can be used for any given operation. For 5-axis ma- chining, the Auto5 module will determine the best possible conditions for a user-defined cutting tool. Special attention has been given to machining with small cutters to optimize cutting conditions for features such as ribs and narrow slots.
High-Performance Machining WorkNC toolpaths undergo regular and comprehensive reviews to ensure that users benefit from the most efficient algorithms and the latest machining technologies.

Re-machining strategies have been revamped in V24 to be completely ‘revamped’ in Version 24. This has been achieved by obtaining greater precision in detecting the areas, both vertical and planar, to be re-machined.

Z-Level machining is used on vertical areas and planar surfaces are machined using contour- ing strategies. The new variable Z-step option generates smoother trajectories along with enhanced optimization, offering improved surface-finish quality and further gains in productivity.
New CAD Features Additional STL file-processing options are also a new feature of WorkNC V24. A new intelli- gent function based on the detection and organization of specific feature zones allows dif- ferent elements to be grouped together. This can facilitate machining portions of the STL model or creating curves from the STL model.

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