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Nuance PDF Converter Professional 6
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Nuance PDF Converter Professional 6
System Requirements:
  • Intel® Pentium® or higher processor or equivalent.
  • Microsoft® Windows® : Windows 2000 (SP 4), Windows XP (SP 2), Windows XP 64-bit Edition, Windows Vista 32-bit or 64-bit Editions, Windows 2003 Server.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or above.
  • 256MB RAM (512 MB recommended).
  • 200MB of free hard disk space for application files plus 50MB working space during installation.
  • SVGA monitor with 256 colors, but preferably 16-bit color (called High Color in Windows 2000 and Medium Color in XP) and 800 x 600 pixel resolution.
  • Windows-compatible pointing device.
  • CD-ROM drive for installation.
  • Web access needed for product registration, activation and obtaining live updates for the program.
  • If Windows Vista is not installed; Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 is required in order to save to DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX file formats (Microsoft Office 2007 formats) The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 can be installed on Windows XP but cannot be installed on Windows 2000.
  • Sound card is optionally required for using the functionality of the supplied Text-To-Speech Engine.
  • Microsoft® Office 2007 (SP 1) is required to leverage the complete functionality included for XPS files.

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$ / month
Subtotal: $
RRP: $
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Available: 50+
“You need the right tool for the job.”

This age-old bit of advice still applies today, especially when it comes to working with PDF files. Free readers offer some useful features, but they don’t enable you to create or edit PDF files. And creation-only utilities provide no viewing, editing or security. Fortunately, there is a complete PDF solution out there. It’s Nuance PDF Converter Professional 6, the #1 tool for turning PDF files into fully formatted, editable PC documents.


Create 100% industry-standard PDF files, from virtually any PC application, that are fully compliant with other PDF viewers. Toolbar shortcuts for Microsoft Office allow you to make a PDF copy of your documents with a single click.
Instantly and accurately convert PDF files into fully-formatted Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, XPS, and Corel WordPerfect documents — complete with text, columns, tables and graphics.
Easily edit directly within PDF files. Correct typos, edit and annotate both text and graphics directly within PDF files.
Fill and save PDF forms with FormTyper. Convert static PDF forms into fillable PDF forms that you can complete, save, and email. With one click, FormTyper locates the fields on your form – even on scanned forms – and adds fillable fields without changing the original!

What customers say

Robert, GB
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