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Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional
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Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional
System Requirements:
  • Computer with a 1.6 GHz or faster processor
  • Windows Vista® (x86 & x64) - all editions except Starter Edition OR
  • Windows® XP (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2 or later - all editions except Starter Edition OR
  • Windows Server® 2003 (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 1 or later (all editions) OR
  • Windows Server 2003 R2 (x86 and x64) or later (all editions)
  • 384 MB of RAM or more (768 MB of RAM or more for Windows Vista)
  • 2.2 GB of available hard-disk space
  • 5400 RPM hard drive
  • 1024 x 768 or higher-resolution display
  • DVD-ROM Drive
  • Additional features may require Internet access. Fees may apply.

Billing Cycle


$ / month
Subtotal: $
RRP: $
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Included Languages:

Available: 50+
Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition is a comprehensive set of tools that accelerates the process of turning the developer’s vision into reality. Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition was engineered to support development projects that target the Web (including ASP.NET AJAX), Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, The 2007 Microsoft Office system, SQL Server 2008, and Windows Mobile devices. The number of platforms that developers must target to meet business needs is increasing rapidly. Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition provides the integrated toolset for addressing all of these needs by providing a superset of the functionality available in Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition.

Today’s developers face the challenge of targeting a broad range of platforms and crafting applications that quickly deliver value to the business. Integrated designers and language features in Visual Studio allow developers to build the connected applications demanded by today’s businesses while taking advantage of the .NET Framework 3.5 to reduce development time.


Build applications for Windows, the Web, the Microsoft Office system, the .NET Framework, SQL Server, and Windows Mobile with integrated drag-and-drop designers; be part of a community of millions of developers
Visual Studio integrates Visual Basic, Visual C#, and Visual C++ to support a wide variety of development styles; Editor features simplify the cycle of designing, developing, and debugging an application
Deploy client applications easily with ClickOnce, which enables developers and IT Pros to deploy an application and its prerequisites and then ensure that the application remains up-to-date
Build applications which target the .NET Framework, shortening development time by reducing the need for infrastructure code and helping to enhance application security
Use ASP.NET to speed the creation of interactive, highly appealing Web applications and Web services. Master Pages allow developers to easily manage a consistent site layout in one place

What customers say

Christopher, US
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Jack O’Neal , US
Once again, please permit me thank you for your prompt and attentive support. I look forward to working with your organization in the future.
Thomas, VN
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