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Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021
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Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021
System Requirements:
  • Operating System 64-bit OS that follows Autodesk's Product Support Lifecycle policy.
  • Processor Basic: 2.5–2.9 GHz processor
    Recommended: 3+ GHz processor
  • Memory Basic: 8 GB
    Recommended: 16 GB
  • Display Resolution Conventional Displays:
    1920 x 1080 with True Color

    High Resolution & 4K Displays:
    Resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 supported on Windows 10, 64-bit systems (with capable display card)
  • Display Card Basic: 1 GB GPU with 29 GB/s Bandwidth and DirectX 11 compliant
    Recommended: 4 GB GPU with 106 GB/s Bandwidth and DirectX 11 compliant
  • Disk Space 30 GB
  • Pointing Device MS-Mouse compliant
  • .NET Framework .NET Framework Version 4.8

Billing Cycle


$ / month
Subtotal: $
RRP: $
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Terms of Use:

Supported Systems:


Included Languages:

English, français, Deutsch, italiano, 日本語, polski, português, русский, español
Available: 50+
Robot Structural Analysis Professional overview (video: 2:46 min.)

Robot Structural Analysis Professional is structural load analysis software that verifies code compliance and uses BIM-integrated workflows to exchange data with Revit. It can help you to create more resilient, constructible designs that are accurate, coordinated, and connected to BIM.

Top features

BIM-integrated workflows

Exchange data with Revit and other design tools.

Wind load simulation

Test wind loads during design to avoid costly changes.

Extensive analysis capabilities

Test the behavior of static, modal, and nonlinear structures.

What customers say

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Gyles, NO
I'm very happy with the way everything went during buying and installation. Everything went smooth and the guidance video was very useful and simple to understand.