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Autodesk MotionBuilder 2015
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Autodesk MotionBuilder 2015
System Requirements:
  • Operating System Microsoft® Windows® 7 (SP1), Windows® 8 and Windows® 8.1 Professional operating system
  • Browser Google Chrome™ web browser
    Microsoft® Internet Explorer® web browser
    Mozilla® Firefox® web browser
  • CPU 64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor
  • RAM 4 GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
  • Disk Space 2GB of free disk space for install
  • Pointing Device Three-button mouse

Billing Cycle


$ / month
Subtotal: $
RRP: $
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Available: 50+
MotionBuilder® 3D character animation software for virtual production helps you to more efficiently manipulate and refine data with greater reliability. Capture, edit, and play back complex character animation in a highly responsive, interactive environment, and work with a display optimized for both animators and directors.


Real-time 3D engine Access one of the industry's fastest animation tools.
Productivity-geared workflows Take on demanding, high-volume projects
Motion capture editing and data cleanup Includes production-proven tools to manipulate motion capture data.
Stereoscopic toolsets Capitalize on trends for stereoscopic 3D content.
Smooth interoperability With its software development kit, support for FBX data exchange technology, and Python scripting, MotionBuilder interoperates with certain products in the Entertainment Creation Suites. Establish live streaming between MotionBuilder and Maya to send HumanIK characters between applications.

What customers say

Robert, GB
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Christopher, US
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Clifton, IN
A good incredibly nice experience, in fact! Incredibly beneficial support workforce, responding rapidly to my considerations and issues Will get any program I want from below. Be grateful for you once once again, Dr Sam Cherian
Paul, DK
Support was first very helpful found in putting in the course I just bought. The person remained with me until the course was succesfully mounted.