Optimized user interface
Get going faster, do the job in fewer steps, and improve the overall authoring experience with the Property inspector, a multiple document interface, and personalized workspaces.
Object Styles
Define styles and apply them to selected objects for quick and consistent formatting across a project.
Master Slides
Use Master Slides to easily create and maintain well-formatted and consistent-looking content that meets corporate guidelines.
Rich animation effects
Create rich object animations within Adobe® Captivate® 5 by combining predefined effects like straight-line motion, rotation, and glow. For added impact, smoothly import custom animation effects from Adobe Flash® Professional software.
Multivideo support and synchronization
Import video in a wide variety of formats (AVI, MOV, FLV, MPEG) and synchronize it with the project, slide, or set of slides.
Hosting and collaboration via Acrobat.com
Host published or in-progress eLearning projects on Acrobat.com, an Adobe CS Live online service,* and share them with learners and reviewers, who can access them from virtually anywhere.
Tracking and reporting
Satisfy basic evaluation needs at no extra cost by tracking and reporting key performance metrics, such as average score and pass or fail rates, without having to invest in a Learning Management System.
Community Help
Access a large repository of help content, generated by Adobe and the user community at large, using an Adobe AIR® application.
In-context learner collaboration via Twitter
Leverage the Twitter widget from Adobe to create courses that let learners collaborate with one another as well as the author by just logging into their Twitter account. They can ask questions, get answers, and access pre-existing discussions.